Act of War: Direct Action Demo
Publisher: Atari
Size: 668.8 MB
OS: Windows
Total Download: 611
User Rating:

7.5 out of 10
Category: Demo Games
Act of War: Direct Action Demo
Act of War: Direct Action Demo
Act of War: Direct Action is about playing military/war game with more realistic graphics in the form of real time strategy genre. Player will control army and air force to eliminate enemy's tanks, buldings, and soldiers that are red-tagged on map.

Inside this demo, there are six missions that must be accomplished, begins with clearing of area along the coastline in order to build a military base that will hold all troops and combat equipments. The base is very vulnerable to counterattacks. Enemy's facilities are located not far from there. So, strategy of defense should be put at first place while keeping performing tasks to complete every mission. If you are careless, enemy consisting of fully armored infantry soldiers can easily destroy your base.


  • Arrow Keys = Move view.
  • Ctrl + Arrow = Rotate view.
  • Ctrl + [1 - 9] = Assign a selection to a group of units. (Pilih/drag dulu beberapa pasukan, lalu lakukan langkah ini).
  • [1 - 9] = Select a group. (Press twice to center view on the group).
  1. After downloaded, double-click "act_of_war_demo_euro.exe" and then press "Install". It will start to extract all files into a new folder named "AOW_DEMO_EURO". Wait until finished.
  2. Enter "AOW_DEMO_EURO" folder, then locate and double-click "actofwardemo.exe" to launch the demo.
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