Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare Demo
Publisher: Activision
Size: 1.4 GB
OS: Windows
Total Download: 5,603
User Rating:

8.3 out of 10
Category: Demo Games
Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare is a first person shooter game featuring realistic war scenes using sophisticated weapons from famous countries such as USA, Russia, and United Kingdom.

In the demo game, you will play as Sergeant Paul Jackson, the 1st recon with his squad who are on a mission in the Middle East. The battle is going on at night and you have the main mission to secure the M1A2 Abrams tank stranded in the bog area. Your first task is to eliminate enemy forces in an apartment. This requires the use of night vision camera to break in and engage in intense shooting.

The next task is to destroy all enemy tanks with javelin, a modern weapon devoted to shooting tanks from the distance. You must take the javelin from a fallen soldier and fire at enemy tanks. After succeeding with the javelin, you will be compelled to intercept the enemy before they can overrun the M1A2 Abrams tank.

This demo game ends up with tasks of destroying a ZPU anti-aircraft gun and planting the IR beacon to signal air support. Tha air support will clean off the rest of enemies that are still attacking from surrounding buildings, and then the entire mission is finally done with a great victory.

Common Controls:

  • W,A,S,D = Move.
  • Q, E = Lean.
  • Space, C, Ctrl = Stand/Jump, Crouch, Prone.
  • Left Mouse = Attack.
  • Right Mouse = Toggle Aim.
  • R = Reload.
  • 1, 2 = Switch Weapon.
  • G / 4 = Throw frag/special grenade.
  • F = Grab other weapon.
  • N = Night Vision.
  • Tab = Show objectives.
User Rating
Current Rating:
Excellent (10 points):
21 votes
Good (5 points):
6 votes
Poor (0 poin):
2 votes
Avg. Point:
8.3 out of 10
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