Devil May Cry 4
Publisher: Capcom
Size: 804.1 MB
OS: Windows
Total Download: 2,105
User Rating:

10 out of 10
Category: Demo Games
Devil May Cry 4 is an action adventure game developed by Capcom in 2008. In this series, you will take the role of Nero as the main character which inherits the power of Sparda.

The story begins when Nero is running into the Opera house in Fortuna city. Nero is a part of demon hunter called Order of The Sword. You must defeat all the demons and get the final mission, to fight the last powerful king, Berial, the giant barbarian demon from hell which is hard enough to beat. Power is not sufficient to defeat Berial, use tactics and combination of melee, gun, and devil bringer.


In case you can't find the game shortcut/icon on your desktop nor in Windows start button, you can create a new shortcut by following these steps as follows:

  • Right-click on an empty space on your Desktop, choose New, then Shortcut.
  • Inside "Type the location" textbox, type:

    C:\Program Files\CAPCOM\DEVILMAYCRY4_TRIAL\DMC4Launcher_Trial.exe

    .. for 64 bit system, type:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\CAPCOM\DEVILMAYCRY4_TRIAL\DMC4Launcher_Trial.exe

  • Click Next, then click Finish.
  • A new shortcut should be available on your desktop. Double-clicking that shortcut will launch the game.
User Rating
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Excellent (10 points):
10 votes
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Avg. Point:
10 out of 10
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By: bright tambari, on September 22, 2020
ilove this game
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