Publisher: Vivendi Games
Size: 208.2 MB
OS: Windows
Total Download: 502
User Rating:

9.4 out of 10
Category: Demo Games
This game contains the adventure of a fifteen year old boy who has a hidden talent that he didn't know at first, namely that he will become a dragon rider.

The dragon rider was the thing the other knights who sided with the truth had been waiting for. His uncle will be his first teacher in learning how to become a dragon rider because at first he also had a dragon but had died.

This game demo represents the story from the film of the same title in which Eragon with his uncle and the dragon Saphira try to break into the headquarters of the villain who was the ruler at the time.


To be able to finish the installation process, you must read the 'License Agreement' to the very bottom (or simply drag the scrollbar) so that the 'I accept the terms of the license agreement' button can be enabled and the installation can continue.

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9.4 out of 10
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