Escape The Emerald Star    pick
Size: 46.8 MB
OS: Windows
Total Download: 1,653
User Rating:

7.9 out of 10
Category: Puzzle Games
Escape The Emerald Star
Escape The Emerald Star
Escape The Emerald Star is a game of seek and find hidden objects. The scenario is that you are on vacation aboard a big ship called the Emerald Star. You unintentionally awake and find that the ship is abandoned in unknown ocean. Uniquely, in order to find out what is happening and to escape, you need to collect clues and solve puzzles by seeking and finding hidden objects around the ship.

List of object names you must find are available at the bottom side. Most of them are secretly located around the picture, making you notice everything in a detailed manner. In addition, at the end of each level, there is an extra session in which you will solve a puzzle like playing a mahjong-styled game.

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Excellent (10 points):
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7.9 out of 10
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