FMX Team
Publisher: MoFunzone
Size: 12.8 MB
OS: Windows
Requirements:Adobe Flash Player
Total Download: 10,292
User Rating:

9 out of 10
Category: Racing Games
FMX Team is a Flash arcade gaming option. You get to ride a motorcycle and can perform various stunts. Try to make it through all the fifteen levels of freestyle motocross stunts all at a go. In order to finish each and every level you are required to reach the finish line just within two minutes! And along with that need to earn the minimum required qualification points for each of these levels. Therefore, this is undoubtedly an amazing gaming option that can surely give you a superb thrilling experience.

Tips for Playing FMX Team: You will have to use the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard in order to move left and right within the game. You need to press space bar for pausing and for thefts press 1-5 keys vice versa. FMX Team will give you a thrilling bike riding experience where you can do all kinds of biking stunts virtually that can have you lots of fun.

User Rating
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Excellent (10 points):
25 votes
Good (5 points):
2 votes
Poor (0 poin):
2 votes
Avg. Point:
9 out of 10
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