Jardinains! 1.2   pick
Publisher: Thomas Darby
Size: 4.4 MB
OS: Windows
Total Download: 4,040
User Rating:

9 out of 10
Category: Arcade Games
Jardinains! is a kind of breakout game where the player has to rebound the ball to the stack of bricks. The game was created by Thomas Darby. You should keep the ball not hitting the bottom of the screen. Some bricks take more hits to break and some are kind of block that can't be abolished. If all bricks are clear, then you will progress to the next level.

In Jardinains!, all controls are commited with mouse including playing the paddle that moves horizontally at the bottom of the screen. Another feature you will see in this game is the little guys appearing on the bricks. They act to annoy your playing. They throw flower pots to your paddle to make you lose the game. So try your best to prevent the flower pots from hitting the paddle.

Other interesting feature in Jardinains! is powerups, a kind of bonus that you can use to make it easier to accomplish every level. But not all powerups are useful. Some are even very bad and you need to avoid them. So, it's worth to know which ones are useful and which ones are bad. All information about the game including kinds of bricks and kinds of powerups are covered in the 'Help' file. You can access it in Windows' Start menu.

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Avg. Point:
9 out of 10
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