Kung Fu Panda Demo
Publisher: DreamWorks Animation
Size: 527.7 MB
OS: Windows
Total Download: 1,866
User Rating:

8.6 out of 10
Category: Demo Games
Kung Fu Panda is an action-adventure game based on the movie which take the adventure story of a panda named Po. He has a dream to become a kung fu warrior like the famous five kung fu warriors: Viper, Tigress, Monkey, Crane, and Mantis. Eventually after a period of time of patience, he can be what he wanted, a dragon warrior, even more than his dream.

In this game, Po has mastered kungfu skill and is now ready to save the village from enemies of disturber. You will take control of Po to defeat all opponents using Po's amazing martial skill. Along the gameplay, you will get more information about techniques that Po can use such as combination moves that produce special attacks.

Even though Kong Fu Panda tends to suit children. But with quest of martial art action and puzzle, it's fun enough to play for all ages.


  • Move = W, A, S, D
  • Jump = Spacebar
  • Camera = Arrow keys
  • Reset camera = R
  • Camera toggle = F
  • Fast attack (4) = Mouse left button
  • Strong attack (6) = Mouse right button
  • Action/Interaction (5) = Mouse middle button
  • Block/Dodge = Left Shift
  • You can assign the attack/action moves to specific keyboard buttons from the Options menu. Press ESC while playing to access the menus.

In case you can't find the game shortcut/icon on your desktop nor in Windows start button, you can create a new shortcut by following these steps as follows:

  • Right-click on an empty space on your Desktop, choose New, then Shortcut.
  • Inside "Type the location" textbox, type:

    C:\Program Files\Activision\Kung Fu Panda(TM) Demo\Kung Fu Panda Game.exe

    .. for 64 bit system, type:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Kung Fu Panda(TM) Demo\Kung Fu Panda Game.exe

  • Click Next, then click Finish.
  • A new shortcut should be available on your desktop. Double-clicking that shortcut will launch the game.
User Rating
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Excellent (10 points):
5 votes
Good (5 points):
2 votes
Poor (0 poin):
Avg. Point:
8.6 out of 10
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