Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell 3 - Chaos Theory Demo
Publisher: Ubisoft
Size: 603.3 MB
OS: Windows
Total Download: 1,316
User Rating:

7.5 out of 10
Category: Demo Games
Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory is the 3rd release of eight Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell game series from 2004 to 2013. Choosing the stealth and espionage style turned out to produce an interesting and briliant game that was proven by beeing a commercial success on the market.

In this demo version, everyone is given the chance to experience Samuel Fisher's spy action at a lighthouse coastline in Peru. The main mission is to resque Bruce Morgenholt, an American engineer involved in developing a future super weapon, that's kidnapped by a Peruvian guerrilla group called the People Voice. Fisher also has to secure and ensure that the kernel algorithm that Morgenholt works on is safe.

As a skilled and trained soldier in top-secret spy ops, Fisher is equipped with a variety of tools and weapons to especially support his spionage tasks such as opsat/heat/night vision and other unique weapons. Control buttons include common keyboard keys used in fps games like w,a,s,d for movement and mouse-click for shooting. There are also several other control keys for different functions. You can see the keys list through Settings menu.

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7.5 out of 10
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