Volvo - The Game 1.0
Publisher: The Simbin Group
Size: 588.8 MB
OS: Windows
Total Download: 17,059
User Rating:

9 out of 10
Category: Racing Games,
Simulation Games
Volvo - The Game is one of the most interesting and exciting racing game that appears in recent years. While the focus is not on flashy graphics, Volvo - The Game does a stellar job when it comes to being a simulator, since it allows you to race a car to the best of its capabilities, learning its strengths and weaknesses in order to get the job done.

The game is somewhat classic, but this doesn't mean that the experience has aged. On the contrary, Volvo - The Game does a great job when it comes to providing one of the best racing capabilities that you can find in a video game. As you would expect based on its name, the title comes only with Volvo cars, so there are only a few models, with the iconic S40, C30, S60, 850, 240 and even a concept.

Moreover, there are only two tracks, but these are varied and specifically designed to test your driving skills as well as the ability to go through corners at high speeds. Each one of these is quite realistic and it has a variety of sections, with some regions filled with dirt near the track, where handling is indeed a problem. Still, by completing these races you will be able to get some astounding results.

But not only the tracks are very good and accurate, so are the cars. Each one is represented in a realistic manner, but the best part about it is that these are also recreated from a performance and mechanical standpoint, so once you get into the driver's seat, you know that this is the real deal.

Volvo - The Game's gameplay is solid and demanding most of the time. You can change the camera if you want, but the neat thing here is that the interior of the car is also created in an interesting and exciting way.

While Volvo - The Game can't recreate the feeling of driving a Volvo with complete precision, it will surely manage to do a great job when it comes to offering a computer simulation of the whole thing. The AI in Volvo - The Game is fierce and very good, so winning in these games is very demanding and to be blunt, really hard.


In case you can not find the game's shortcut / link on desktop or Windows start menu after installation, you can create a new one as follows:

  • Right-click on Desktop, choose New, then Shortcut.
  • Inside Type the location, please copy and paste the text below:

    C:\Program Files\SimBin\Volvo - The Game\Volvo.exe

    .. for 64 bit system, please copy and paste the text below:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\SimBin\Volvo - The Game\Volvo.exe

  • Click Next, then Finish.
  • A new shortcut should be available on your desktop. In order to launch the game, simply double-click that new shortcut.
User Rating
Current Rating:
Excellent (10 points):
71 votes
Good (5 points):
7 votes
Poor (0 poin):
5 votes
Avg. Point:
9 out of 10
Your Rating:
"errors in opening game"
By: Dharmesh, on November 19, 2023
Error in opening
By: Wks, on February 25, 2024
"Wow, I Love Volvo"
By: Gamal Naser, on February 26, 2024
Very nice car game by Volvo. I enjoy it a lot. Thanks.
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